
“I was practising with Sean during his stint in Art of Yoga (Singapore). At that point of time I was injured and disheartened by my practice. I was at the point of giving up. However, Sean saved my practice with his patience and kindness. He was strict but yet warm at the same time. On top of that, his knowledge of FRC helped a great deal in my mobility. All in all, it was truly my good fortune to be able to practise under him. I wish to have the chance to be able to practise with him again.” - Susan Chiam 

“My girlfriend and I wanted to improve our physical and mental well-being, and thought yoga may be a good step in that direction. We practiced with Sean for three months over Zoom and noticed huge benefits in our lives. His teachings are easy to follow and he offers as much or as little theory behind the practice as you prefer. We would hugely recommend him to others looking to feel healthier and more clear minded”. - Fraser Dyer

“Sean is patient, Sean is kind. Sean was my main teacher in Singapore for a few years and I deeply treasure my time with him and miss him greatly. He knows just when to push you farther and when to let nature take its course. His dedication to ashtanga, passion in FRC and understanding of yogic philosophy makes a great package. And his supta kurmasana adjustment is just the cherry on top!” - Fang Qi Lim

“Sean is a lovely person and a very caring, nurturing and patient teacher. He comes with a lot of knowledge on ashtanga yoga, yoga philosophy and anatomy. My yoga practice has grown with Sean’s guidance. He has helped me manage injuries and develop the confidence and courage to further my practice.” - Deeptha Sundaram

“Sean is a nurturing and caring yoga teacher. Having practiced Ashtanga yoga with him since 2018, I really appreciate the lessons he instilled in me, those of patience and discipline, technique and alignment. For those who are looking to positively transform their lives and health, and are seeking a yoga teacher with integrity, I couldn’t give Sean a higher recommendation!” - Pei Sian-Ng

‘Today I visited Ashtanga Yoga Somerset for the first time and loved it immediately. Sean has calming presence, his instructions are clear and patient. I love how his class helped me reconnect with my breath and find stillness. Especially the beginning of a very busy day this sense of peace has stayed with me. Thank you and see you again 🙏🏽‘ - Carla Carolina

‘If you had asked me when I was serving in the Army if I would ever have been interested in Yoga, I would have laughed.

Now after studying psychology to overcome ptsd, I have finally understood the benefits of Yoga. And what better way to start my Yoga journey - because it is a journey - than coming home and finding Ashtanga Yoga Somerset.

Sean is so very knowledgeable in Ashtanga Yoga. You can immediately feel his confidence in the way that he teaches and can witness it through observing his parts of his practice. As someone who is interested in the Yogic philosophy I was truly impressed with Seans level of depth that he has obviously studied at. He pointed me toward some great resources and was always eager to sit and discuss my understanding of the literature. He has a calm presence and inviting nature.

If you are someone who has stress in your life, who has a body that has endured stress or indeed have had ptsd like myself then I recommend Yoga, and I certainly recommend practicing it with Sean, my humble teacher.‘ - Guy Murray

‘I started Ashtanga yoga with Sean to address an injury that was impacting on other sports. My stamina, strength and flexibility has considerably increased through consistent practice and I have seen noticeable improvement in my everyday posture, balance and sleep pattern.

I love the Mysore style which allows you to practise at your own pace within a group setting. Sean intuitively knows when to add postures or to offer adjustments to ensure you practise safely and within your own limits, so building self-confidence and a sense of ownership to your personal practise.

The practice space is warm and welcoming (underfloor heating!), quiet and peaceful, and captures the early morning sun and birdsong. I have found that I carry an increased sense of calm and well-being throughout my working day, and I would thoroughly recommend adding Ashtanga yoga with Sean to your daily routine.’ - Bonnie Hopkins